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IEEE ICICE 2019 Call for Papers

IEEE ICICE 2019 Call for Papers
Website: http://2019.icice.net/
Email: office.icice@gmail.com
2019 International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering
October 25-30, 2019, Zhengzhou (
鄭州) , Henan Province, China
Organized by:
Taiwanese Institute of Knowledge Innovation (TIKI)
IEEE Tainan Section Sensors Council (IEEE TSSC)
All accepted papers about the topics of engineering will be submitted in the proceedings of ICICE 2019 (indexing by EI). Excellent papers selected from ICICE 2019 will be recommended to be published on suitable 10 different SCI journals after an additional review process and may need extra publication charge.

(1) Materials (ISSN 1996-1944; IF: 2.654; 10% discount of publication fee)
(2) Energies (ISSN 1996-1073; IF: 2.262; 10% discount of publication fee)
(3) Sensors (ISSN 1424-8220; IF: 2.677; 10% discount of publication fee)
(4) Applied Sciences  (ISSN 2076-3417; IF: 1.679; 10% discount of publication fee)
(5) Micromachines (ISSN: 2072-666X; IF: 1.883; 10% discount of publication fee)
(6) Coatings (ISSN: 2079-6412; IF: 2.175)
(7) Microsystem Technologies (ISSN: 1432-1858; IF: 1.581)
(8) Electronics (SCI; ISSN 2079-9292)
(9) Sensors and Materials (ISSN: 0914-4935; IF: 0.489)
(10) Integrated Ferroelectrics  (ISSN: 1607-8489; IF: 0.457) 

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